Thursday , 19 September 2024

Motivation Monday IX

Image: tungphoto / What motivates you? As world economies decline it gets easier to stay unmotivated. The state of world affairs can either be an excuse or a catalyst. When the media cycles droop to critical lows it is easier to motivate oneself in a kind of I-need-to-save-the-world mindset. But when they drool bellow an accepted equilibrium it is …

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George Carlin’s Discharge from the Air Force

George Carlin was trained in aviation electronics and was stationed in Barksdale, Lousiana. Like many other greats, he had a very disrespectful attitude to his superiors. He was discharged after three years for poor conduct. His discharge propelled him to become a comedic gift to many people all over the world. Regardless of the discharge, George Carlin was proud of …

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Did Assange Make a Deal with the Devil?

I have been reluctant to write anything about what has been going on in Russia because, quite frankly, I am more afraid of the KGB (now the FSB) than I am the CIA. From this point on I will refer to the FSB (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) by their old name, the KGB. Some may disagree with me on this matter …

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The Power of Nightmares

The BBC film series explores the origins in the 1940s and 50s of Islamic Fundamentalism in the Middle East, and Neoconservatism in America, parallels between these movements, and their effect on the world today. A fascinating and even handed look at the rise of neo-conservatism and Islamic fundamentalism. Published on Friday, 14 January, 2005, 12:07 GMT by BBC The Power of Nightmares: …

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Rumored Attack on the USS Enterprise on January 26th

For anyone unfamiliar with the attack on the USS Liberty by the Israeli government in 1967, the video embedded at the bottom will give some background. The USS Liberty was attacked by unmarked Israeli fighter planes and their outgoing radio traffic blocked. The attack was explained away as misunderstanding for the sake of foreign relations (I suspect) but the veterans of USS Liberty tell …

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Motivation Monday IX

This week’s Motivation Monday comes to us from a group that started after the wake of 9/11 to protest the course that the administration was taking the country. Not in Our Name (NOIN) disbanded in 2008 but “The Statement of Resistance,” written by Saul Williams and StarHawk, speaks to the sentiments of growing numbers of people across the world today. …

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A Cry for Help that Never Came

Ester Contreras is an attractive young lady who was married to the late Cpl. Leonardo Contreras. In the year 2008 they were living on base at Camp Pendleton and were blessed with the recent arrival of a baby girl. Leonardo was, by nature, an outgoing, amiable young man and had a positive outlook on life.  However, after two tours in …

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Fireside Chats

FDR inherited an economy in which everyone was effected in some way. Where Hoover had failed FDR could not. In some cities the unemployment rate was over half while the national unemployment average teetered at a quarter. In his first one hundred days as president FDR hit the ground running making sweeping changes that would be called “new deal” and …

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Vietnam Propaganda Video

photo: Ho Chi Minh City during government meetings March 2006 by Ron Gluckman The following video comes from the National archive. “Vietnam Special” is a great example of how modern governments use propaganda. Low level propaganda is a waste of time for an industrialized country that needs its intellectual class to be something other then zombies. Tracking GDP growth since this …

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The Profits of War

Just more proof that “war is a racket.” More than $73 billion have been sent to to Afghanistan to help rebuild the country, yet only a paltry 10 percent of those funds actually make it into actually rebuilding anything. A lot of it gets chopped right of the top the moment the money hits the ground.Of course, people have to …

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Too Many, Too Much

I’m not against the police; I’m just afraid of them. Alfred Hitchcock So I have met very few people who are big supporters of the police, and it’s not because of the group of people I hang out with, the people I know are law abiding, average citizens. It’s not because the people I hang out with picked up a speeding …

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Interview with Captain Ray Lewis at Occupy Congress (video)

Oakland based livestream OakFoSho and Aubrey Weiland for the DC examiner just did an interview with retired police captain Ray Lewis the police officer who was arrested at Occupy Wall Street on November 17th. He goes over a cease and desist letter he received from the pension board telling him to stop wearing his uniform in public. And one of the protesters who …

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Motivation Monday VIII

Today’s Motivation Monday will only appeal to those who choose the path of love over the path of hate. To those who choose peace over violence. To those, like Martin Luther King believed, who believe that “love is a strong thing…that organizes itself…in direct action.” Today’s Motivation Monday features a debate between MLK and Malcolm X. Don’t judge Malcolm X …

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MLK: Race, Identity, & Image

In honor of yesterday’s Martin Luther King Day we present MLK’s appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press in 1965. School is in session as one lone preacher takes a mob of educated journalists and holds a clinic. Every one of the questions, including the questions of communist affiliation, is deflected with something other than point A to point B logic. …

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