Thursday , 19 September 2024

Motivation Monday XII

photo “09/11/11 at memorial” by:  Karol Olesiak On this President’s Day, we can say with some certainty what we should be commemorating is future lack of dependence of representative leadership. It is a strange idea to have a holiday monumentalizing the future, but it might be necessary as the present seems more and more obsolete. Perhaps, one day a maximized citizenship …

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Occupy Love: Salute to LGBT Veterans

[Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta, left, kisses her girlfriend of two years, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell in the first time a same-sex couple was chosen for Navy’s traditional homecoming kiss] On this Valentine’s Day we must acknowledge how love has changed in the modern day. Whether you agree with gay marriage or not, the issue has landed …

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Motivation Monday XI

Image: A can of tear gas lands near Loukanikos and protesters, February 2011. GIORGOS MOUTAFIS / ANZENBERGER Motivation Monday XI, along with our wishes for prosperity, goes out to the Greeks in the street. In July of last year an unlikely symbol of the Greek riots emerged. It is astonishing how something like a loyal dog can reaffirm that all …

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The Post 9/11 Metaphor

photo credit: Before racial slavery was adopted by the Europeans, there existed the serf. The serf or peasant was a modified slave. The social contract between the serf and state gravitated, ideally, in protection for the serf from outlying forces. If you live in New York you can imagine what serfs felt like when seeing a castle on the …

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Watch Andrew Breitbart Flip Out On Occupiers

Emily Crockett (@emilycrockett) of Campus Progress posted a video of right-wing commentator Andrew Breitbart flipping out on occupiers at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, February 10, 2012:   From Campus Progress: “Conservative blogger-star Andrew Breitbart lashed out at Occupy protesters outside of CPAC, the mass annual gathering of conservatives, in Washington, DC on Friday night. Campus …

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Russian Soldiers’ Mothers for the Cause Union of the Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia (CSMR) was founded in 1989 and officially registered the same year by 300 mothers of soldiers, whose initial aim was to campaign for their sons to return home early from military service in order to resume their studies. They succeeded in bringing home nearly 180,000 young men for this purpose. …

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The Immeasurable Costs of a War

Lt. Col Daniel L. Davis needs little introduction. He has been called a whistle blower and has become a hero to many. His article in The Armed Forces Journal,“Truth, lies and Afghanistan,”  has caused a stir by the scuttlebutt. Davis has been speaking out against the war since 2010. Assessment of the Afghan War, according to Davis, is grim and pointless. He …

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Systemic Educational Apathy

The one thing the masses of America have in common is education. It’s an educational system that has been under reform since its inception. And in a global marketplace everyone that cares about the United States success as a super power has found themselves concerned about the state of education in America. I believe that most people are in agreement …

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Treating PTSD with Marijuana

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) afflicts military veterans more than any other group. That is why it is not surprising that the medical marijuana (MM) debate has spilled over into the discussions on PTSD treatment. The Department of Defense (DoD) has a well known zero-tolerance policy against any scheduled substance. However, the Veterans Administration (VA) has traditionally been separate from the DOD. The …

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Violence & Non-Lethal Weapons

The arguments that have been circulating in opposition to non-lethal weapons have rung in terms of how-dangerous-non-lethal weapons-are. These arguments lack teeth. Is it not better to be tased than shot? The problem is that non-lethal weapons are not used in place of lethal ones. Non-lethal weapons are dangerous, but more than that, they multiply violence by incapacitating  subjects. Stephen Coleman …

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Motivation Monday X

Occupy Chicago photo by Darren Leow

On February 1, 2012, Chicago school Roosevelt University announced a new political science course based on the Occupy Movement will be offered on their campus this semester. This is a great chance for current Occupy Chicago members to gain a deeper understanding of the movement and will hopefully motivate students who have had no prior interaction with the Occupy Movement …

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Syrian Butcher Bombs Own People

Image::,8599,1854761,00.html Yesterday, 200 men, women, and children were slaughtered by Syrian butcher Bashar al-Assad when a portion of his army joined the activists of an 11-month movement. On the the 30th anniversary of the Hama Massacre, where thousands of innocent Syrians were dematerialized by Assad’s father. 40 civilians died in the first half hour. The UN Security Council is deadlocked …

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Moroccan Media Blackout

According to our friends at Occupy Spain and CNN, violent suppression resulted in a media blackout in Morocco. The city of Taza, close to Fez, burned last night in an altercation between police and citizens. Police have been invading citizens’ homes without any discrimination as to who is an activist and who is not. From Occupy Spain: News on Morocco- …

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Bahrain Beating Hunger Strikers & Saudi Open Letter to Police

Image from Bahrain was the last place I “visited” before I took a very long military flight back to Virginia. The thing that struck me most about the Middle East in general is what I would call a beautiful silence. This silence does not exist in the West and most parts of the East. From the moment we arrived …

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