Monday , 16 September 2024

The March

Last weekend, thousands of people attended the 50th anniversary of the August 28th, 1963 March on Washington. The various media outlets played selected segments of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, showed pictures of the 200,000+ people in attendance, and reminded us of the impact the March on Washington had on furthering the integration movement. I didn’t hear …

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ZERO, The Case for Nuclear Weapons Abolition

In his remarkably readable and informative book on why abolishing nuclear weapons is an imperative for a safe and secure world, David Krieger points out there is a growing consensus among the peoples of the world that ZERO nuclear weapons is the only option. David Krieger, a founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation in Santa Barbara, California and President …

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Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

In his book “Empire of the Illusion”, Christopher Hedges clearly and convincingly, makes a strong argument that American citizens now live in a society that consistently works at dumbing down America. He illustrates his point by the following statement: “This culture of illusion thrives by robbing us of the intellectual and linguistic tools to separate illusion from truth. It reduces …

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Hugh Thompson, An American Hero Revised

I would venture to say that most Americans have never heard of Hugh Thompson, but on March 16th, 1968 he put his life and his reputation on the line in order to save some innocent civilians from the ravages of war. The whole event has been shoved into the dustbin of history. It’s like it never happened. Our government and …

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Emerald City Revised

Every time I pick up friends or relatives at the San Diego Airport I enjoy watching their reactions as they see, for the first time, the San Diego skyline. They are particularly impressed with the breathtaking views at night. The bright lights shine like beacons; especially the Emerald Shapely Building with its slanted rooftop architecture and its emerald green sparkling …

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Appreciative Inquiry

I just looked up the word “appreciate” in one of my old dictionaries and found one of the definitions to be: Increase in value. I like that definition. Appreciative Inquiry is a tool used in business today to cause people to look at themselves and business situations in a positive way. Too often in business we ask ourselves the question …

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Tough Guys?

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney talked about going to war with Iran. This was based on his defending America and its allies. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the formal name of the Mormon Church) was a strong supporter of the Vietnam War, and the clean-cut young Romney protested against the people protesting the war. However, …

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Veterans Day New Media Anti-War Rally

Please share this with anyone you know that is against war but supports the troops. This Veterans Day instead of going to parades, bbqs, and sticking yellow ribbons on your car join us by helping veterans through a simple statement to your gov’t representatives: Stop Unconstitutional War. #antiwarvet   On November 11th join us in a new media rally to …

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Dogs of Comfort, Dogs of War

image: The embedded videos below are emotional reunions of deployed soldiers and their dogs. This article’s image uses a photo of Petty Officer 1st Class Jon T. Tumilson’s dog, Hawkeye. Images of Tumilson’s funeral went viral and touched a chord. I can imagine that for a dog outliving their master is very traumatic. PTSD suffering veterans swear by comfort …

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The Vote

image: Michelini It is truly amazing how Congress votes. When Congress votes it seems to be based more on loyalty than what is good for America. The President Obama sent a jobs bill to the Senate that would address unemployment and the unemployed. This bill would be paid for by taxing Americans who make over $250,000 a year and according …

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Peaceful Veteran Activists Draw Prying Eyes

image: fwdthought It is always been suspected that antiwar groups are targeted by domestic intelligence organizations. Every important American activist has an FBI file. On October 18th, sparked by a National Lawyers Guild suit under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), AP reported that antiwar and Pro-Palestine groups had been infiltrated and spied upon by the federal agencies. The litigious …

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Will VA Hospitals Care for Gay & Lesbian Veterans?

This article first appeared Written by Jessica Gerson for By the end of 2011, more than 40,000 U.S. troops will return home from Iraq. Many of those troops, some of whom are gay or lesbian, will seek medical support from their local VA hospital — support they’ve earned and deserve. But is our VA system prepared to care for our nation’s …

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My Vietnam

image: Boy with AK-47 by Kevin Laverty   Anytime you receive orders to report to a new duty station, those orders come with 30 days leave. Orders to report to the Republic of Viet Nam were no different. Instead of taking this 30-day leave at home in New York, I went to my grandmother’s farm in South Carolina. My mother …

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9/11: Shattering the Spell of Mythical Realities

image: NYPD Snipers overlooking 9/11 memorial on 9/11/11– Leo Oblima by Gavin Phillips Have we been lied to about 9/11? What kind of world do you want your children to grow up in? By the end of this article you will have the answer to your first question. What you do with the answer will determine your answer to the …

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The Truth by Brandon J. Raub

Brandon J. Raub was whisked away to a psychiatric institution after he posted a facebook note critical of the government. Mr. Raub’s commited no crimes and the activist communities have been ablaze. Because of his Facebook posts, Mr. Raub was taken into custody and held for behavioral observation. The following essay could be cataloged as the main reason for Brandon J. …

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