Monday , 16 September 2024

Unmarketable Skills

Being employed without pay. We used to call it indentured servitude, and then slavery, now we call it an internship. I have had a job since I was too young to have one, I was never overworked, but I was also underpaid. But that is beside the point. In reality, nobody ever feels like they are being paid enough. I …

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No Honor in Hurting Unarmed Civilians

Currently this video has over two and a half million hits. If this is not proof of the emotional power that a veteran in support of the Occupation can garner I don’t know what is. Most of us don’t claim to be any more honorable than anyone else. It is other people’s expectation of our honor that makes us go …

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So What Exactly is Occupy Wall Street?


“So what exactly is Occupy Wall Street?” I have had countless friends and family members ask me that question recently. Read this and you will see what the movement is and why every single one of you should be a part of this revolution. Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a metaphor. The protesters in New York are not occupying Wall …

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Phillip Spooner: Equality Maine

Philip Spooner is a WWII vet and a born and bred republican. His speech on gay marriage became an Internet sensation. When veterans speak in this country people listen. It’s a responsibility never to be taken lightly. Good morning, committee. My name is Phillip Spooner and I live …in Biddeford. I am 86 years old, a lifetime Republican, and an active …

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No Movement in Movement

Sidelined by Those on the Sidelines “The discarded and rejected are the raw material of a nation’s future. The stone the builders reject becomes the cornerstone of a new world. A nation without dregs and malcontents is orderly, decent, peaceful and pleasant, but perhaps without the seed of things to come. It was not the irony of history that the …

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The Art of Occupy

People must escape suppression of themselves and of society. They must raise the bar of thoughts and ideas that have been set so low. Authority sets acceptable levels of behavior so society runs smoothly, and it does run smoothly. Smoothly down hill. Ideas of peace and equality, freedom and justice are an uphill struggle but one that raises the value …

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War Fever

I’m built backwards. I have legs for arms, hands for feet. No, that’s not the right. I was wise beyond my years, isn’t that the term your elders use when the first signs of intelligence spark in your eyes, and the grey mush inside your skull begins to take on some form? Yeah, I think that’s it. So the mind …

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The Sacred Freedom of Speech

The article linked below references the Vancouver riots and how police around the world mishandle crowds by preempting violence. Dr. Clifford Scott is the world’s foremost expert on crowd psychology. His abridged point is that the moment police start to treat the crowd made up of different individuals as a mob, it becomes a mob. The interviewer misses the point …

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Obama’s Jobs Plan

When President Obama and J.P. Morgan introduced the 100,000 Jobs Mission I was extremely excited because I was planning to propose to my girlfriend soon and the idea of career opportunities would make that possible. (I’ve since proposed in light of the fact that I don’t have a job). I immediately called the J.P. Morgan recruiters and sent over my resume. …

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The Death of Democracy

As the imminent fall of the birthplace of democracy looms on the world stage, it is important to keep in mind that it was not democracy that orchestrated its crash. It was the neoliberal banking practices perpetuated by the belief in hyper-capitalism as a world end game. That, due to the end of the Cold War, the West’s victory, and …

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Cartoons of the Occupation

I just finished looking at the U.S. News and World Report articles covering Occupy Wall Street and as I have watched various trolling and making fun of the protesters, I am saddened with how cruel humans can be to each other. The political cartoons themselves are comparable to xenophobic cartoons before the great wars.  Some of the trolling, I think, is …

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