Monday , 16 September 2024

Motivation Monday III

If you are like me, you have received a fair share of tough love in your life. What can I say, sometimes it motivates me more than any amount of kindness could. The following speech was given by Bobby Knight to his players. Bobby Knight, outside of his crude methods, loved his players and most of them loved him. Sometimes in …

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Voting Fraud

As the 2012 American elections loom on the horizon, the legitimacy of electoral process stands in question. At the same time, in Egypt, citizens are calling for oversight and even boycott of the elections following the recent violence. The GOP in the United States has comparative points with the Muslim Brotherhood who is projected to gain many seats in the Egyptian parliament. Both of …

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Rules of Engagement

In April 2010 when Wikileaks released videos entitled Collateral Murders depicting violence against children and Reuters reporters, the world was in shock. The pentagon has spun this as an isolated incident and launched two investigations that cleared those involved all of wrong doing.”The dead included two employees of the Reuters news agency: photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and driver Saeed Chmagh. The US military …

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Occupy Philadelphia

We will be providing real-time updates tonight as the eviction orders for Philly and Occupy LA are carried out. You can view the Occupy Philadelphia live stream below, and read our real-time news updates directly under the video feed. Occupy Philly Flash Mob at Wells Fargo: All times listed are EST Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was the first capital of the union. …

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Occupy LA

We will be providing real-time updates tonight as the eviction orders for Occupy LA and Occupy Philadelphia are carried out. You can view the Occupy LA live stream below, and read our real-time news updates directly under the video feed.   All times listed are PST 5:10 PM   Rumors on the Internet say that Occupy LA eviction has been postponed …

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Troubling Apple iPhone Technology and its Possible Effect on OWS

According to an article on, Apple has filed a patent that will keep people from using the camera function on their own iPhones.  The reasoning for this is to allow businesses like concert halls or sporting arenas to prevent people from taking unauthorized photos and videos. I find the implications that this technology could bring to be worrisome, at …

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Hugh Thompson, An American Hero

The story I am about to share with you took place in Vietnam over 43 years ago. I would venture to say that most Americans have never heard of Hugh Thompson but on March 16th 1968 he put his life and his reputation on the line in order to save some innocent civilians from the ravages of war. The whole …

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Good News, Bad News

I won’t even ask which you want first. The good news is that New York City is turning its attention from a non-violent group of activists and is focusing on, the bad news, a possible terrorist threat. Mayor Bloomberg needs a few kudos for realizing that threats to the city are not coming from OWS but from people that would …

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Protesting with Dollars

Maybe you don’t agree with OWS, maybe you really just don’t like the major Big Box stores, so here is a way you can stand in solidarity without sleeping in tents: go local. The Associated Press reports that OWS activists are urging consumers to use their hard earned dollars to support local merchants. What a radical idea… not really, most …

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The Assassination of JFK

On this day, 48 years ago, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was struck down by a sniper’s bullet in Dallas. Kennedy was a United States Navy Officer and there is a naval vessel named after him. That sniper, for the historical record, was Lee Harvey Oswald. The assassination was dubious, to say the least, and a whole conspiratorial culture emerged.     The predominant …

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Egyptian Government Using Toxic Tear Gas

It is be reported by Egyptian activists and confirmed by doctors that the Egyptian government has been using toxic tear gas. According the Guardian there are 33 confirmed dead. 1500 have been injured. This is by far worse violence than that which overthrew Mubarak. “Witnesses said protesters had been hit by rubber bullets and suffocated with aggressive tear gas. Video …

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Don’t Allow the Stage to be Set for Violence

There are reports circulating that up to 20k American troops will be deployed to quell civil unrest, in America. Is there any doubt this will be in cities such as New York? Do I need to spell out in large letters what a bad idea this is? I think not, but I will give my opinion. The United States already …

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Shills, Shills Everywhere

We live in a time where sometimes it is very hard to discern fact from fiction. For me, this is a conspiratorial change that happened during the hyper intelligence activity of the Cold War, but the Cold War is always my issue, let’s make this about what it is. The shill is a grifter term used to describe a person …

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Egyptian Military Hijacks the Arab Spring

Over the course of the last three days violence has erupted in the streets of Egypt and there have been reports of people set on fire and at least 15 deaths in the last 24 hours. The people believe, rightly so, that Egyptian military has co-opted all their hard work in a constitutional coup d’état. “Earlier this month, the military …

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