Saturday , 7 September 2024

Search Results for: seul jones

Agent Orange Monsanto Vigil

photo of Lai presenting flowers to his mother.  He is a victim of the gene-warping chemical dioxin, contained in the toxic herbicide Agent Orange, used by the U.S. during the Viet Nam War.  Lai was born with no legs (he is able to walk with prosthetics) and only one functioning arm and hand.  He will be a member of a November …

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The Legacy of Chemical War II

BY: Seul Jones Doi Moi, the “New Way,” was first discussed in 1985 as Vietnam plunged head long into an economic down spin. Ten years after central planning was introduced into the more prosperous and traditionally more independent southern farmers, the per capita national output had plunged 10% leaving many without food while inflation soared to 140%.  A fundamental change …

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The Legacy of Chemical War

By: Seul Jones Veterans for Peace, Vietnam I was born in 1943, mid WWII, to depression era parents who grew up in the back breaking cotton fields of SE Texas. Every Sunday was church time, twice each Sunday actually, in a Southern Baptist church. I was reared to believe in God, country and family. I was taught Manifest Destiny, that the …

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