I did a lot of driving around the country after I got out of the Navy. I would see Ron Paul signs in rural places where it didn’t seem like people cared about politics. While I was running the Facebook for soldiers I saw how supportive Paulbots were in the Bush era antiwar movement and the Occupy era that we were a part of. If there’s one thing that most Americans can agree upon is support against war.
On an episode of GrayZone with Jimmy Dore they make numerous great points about why you should support the Ron Paul’s Rage Against The War Machine Rally on February 19th in Washington DC. According to them Medea Benjamin dropped out because of Jackson Hinkle who at times says insensitive things about LGBTQ. This reminds me of how influential Alex Jones was in the Bush era antiwar movement. I was in the Navy at the time and I thought that the antiwar movement was ineffective but at least they tried. Nuclear proliferation reaches across party lines. After we have been at war for 30 years we must stop our further participation in this proxy war as nuclear winter looms on the horizon.
Soldiers for the Cause would like to express full support for the Rage against the War Machine rally in Washington DC. We don’t rubber stamp the coalition or the speakers but we do see it as the best chance to prevent nuclear annihilation. There will be sister protests happening all over the country. I will be at the one here in San Francisco. The War in Ukraine should have never happened but as American citizens we have to petition our government to stop provoking Russia by fueling the proxy war in Ukraine.