Sunday , 14 April 2024

Show Your Support

The Soldiers for the Cause team works tirelessly to provide our audience with continuous coverage of national and global current events and their effects on veterans.

We are not compensated for our work and we pay for all website and marketing expenses out-of-pocket.

To show your support for Soldiers for the Cause, there are a few things you could do that would greatly help us out!

  • Share our content on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Digg, and others.
  • Donate to Soldiers for the Cause. Use the secure PayPal “Donate” button below to help!
  • Buy official merchandise from Soldiers for the Cause.  Shop below!
Thank you so much for your support,


Soldiers for the Cause

Donate to Soldiers for the Cause

All donations, while sent to an individual PayPal account,
are tracked by multiple members of SFTC to ensure financial oversight.

Buy Official SFTC Merchandise

Use Code anitwarvet for 20% off through May